3D Design encompasses the design of objects, environment and space within personal and public domains.

The central focus of 3D design is placed on improving the quality of things we use and the spaces we live in through creative design. You will acquire a comprehensive set of skills to understand users, frame problems and articulate solutions with design methods, tools and ideas.

The learning approach taken is hands-on and studio-based, led by a team of dedicated specialists to nurture your design skills. You will be exposed to cutting-edge designs and have access to high-quality facilities related to 3D Design. In addition, you will be mentored by industry practitioners who will help you build a strong understanding of the design process and create designs for tomorrow.

3D Design Courses

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Design Practice

Develop mastery in your technical competencies in one of the four design domains (3-Dimensional, Communication, Fashion, and Spatial).

Diploma in Design (Furniture and Spatial)

Through this course, you will gain perspectives on effective furniture design in both domestic and commercial settings.

Diploma in Design (Interior and Exhibition)

Explore the aesthetic and creative processes of design through the conceptualisation and creation of interior and exhibition spaces.

Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture)

The course presents both as an integrated discipline and is structured to help you understand the relationship between people, space and environmental forces that change our landscapes.

Diploma in Design (Object and Jewellery)

Through this course, you will learn to create objects and accessories ranging from personal expression to functional lifestyle products.

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