Leading musicians in every generation need new skills to help them stay relevant in the industry and the wider community.

The Music Programme offers you a myriad of career choices through a faculty-specific, practice-led, and industry-focused curriculum which imbues skills and artistic creativity, allowing you to adapt and navigate through the fast-changing industry. The programme is also unique in that it offers specialised pathways for training in Western or Chinese music, and that you have the added opportunity to attend and participate in cross-cultural performances.

Music Courses

Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Instrumental & Vocal Teaching

Designed for those wishing to be professional instrumental or vocal teachers, and musicians in educational contexts.

Bachelor of Music (Honours)

Sharpen your skills as performers or teachers, and lead within the music industry.

Diploma in Music

Equip yourself with technical and musical skills in your instrument/composition, along with theoretical, conceptual and contextual knowledge essential to your musical development and understanding of the musical discourse.

Diploma in Music Teaching

Through a broad-based and practice-led curriculum, you will be equipped with a range of functional performance skills and teaching strategies for various music education contexts.

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